Captain America has become one of the more popular superheroes of our time. He was created to be the ultimate soldier and man. He has good looks, superhuman strength, speed, endurance, and leadership. He has it all. Except for time. Another name Cap is known by in the Marvel Universe is “The Man Out Of Time.” Rendered to him by a villain. Long story short, the reason being Cap chose to save the marvel world in 1945, but it cost him sacrificially, crash landing a plane into the cold waters of the Arctic where he was cryogenically frozen for 70 years, never aging, but missing several decades of his life until that fateful day he was discovered, thawed and now having to live in the modern-day world.

Growing up, I always heard old-timers say something to the lines of “time sure does go by fast these days,” as if time was slower a few years ago of their life, and now it’s flying by. When in truth, we as believers and humans, in general, are all out of time. The Bible says that we can not know what tomorrow may bring. We are here today and can be gone the next day, or even the next second. It’s not that time goes by any faster or slower it’s because our lives here on this Earth are finite. Yet, we are not finite. We are immortal. In the sense that one day we will spend eternity in one of two places. Heaven or Hell. Our earthly bodies will eventually die, but our soul and spirit live on. Believers in Christ will be given a new body, a heavenly one, but that’s a story for another day.

We are given only one life to live here in this world. Another phrase I would often hear when I was in high school is “live life to the fullest because it’s short,” I agree with that but to what extent? The secular view of that is living the best life that we can. Enjoy and take pleasure in our youth as much as we can, get into a great career, fall in love, buy this and that and be happy because one day it will all be gone. That sounds good and all, but that is not our purpose for living. We were born to live for our Creator, Jesus. The only way to truly live life to the fullest is to live it for Him. Only then can our purpose and most profound desires be fulfilled. No, it’s not fulfilled in going to church, singing hymns, or choosing right over wrong, although that’s part of it. It’s fulfilled in a relationship with Jesus. When we have a relationship with Him, all those other things will fall into place. As for God, well, He is never out of time. On the contrary, He is always on time and never late.

Note from the author: This blog is dedicated in memory of Kenneth Walter Standridge, “Papa Ken” you are always in our hearts. We love and miss you deeply.

“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?””

John 11:25-26